Posted in Writing 101

I write because…

8934504033_262c1e1960_oFeature Image by Samuel Sharpe

My apologies Writing 101 participants, for the tardy response!

In response to Day 1’s task:

I write because..

I am a listener. In the presence of company, I prefer to observe and question. Writing however, is my opportunity for self expression.

For me, it’s a compulsion.

I find it cathartic.

My writing is the stained glass bottle in Bangladesh green, washing up on the shore after years drifting aimlessly at sea, the message inside harbouring the secrets of my soul, patiently waiting to be revealed.

Like my dreams, it allows for clarity of my inner thoughts.

It’s an act of self validation.

I hope toĀ  provide hope and inspiration to those experiencing periods of grace or adversity through connection.



"I have been writing and creating images all my life-though it's only now, that I have finally let in the light" ~N.Martin

9 thoughts on “I write because…

    1. Thank you kindly Jacqueline, I hope this is your name šŸ˜‰

      Yes! Writing does indeed do that! Although sometimes, I find it exhaustingšŸ˜©

      Liked by 1 person

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