Posted in blogging, My wordpress, Wordpress prompts

The last big Saturday night I had?-It’s been archived!

‘My rocking party occurs when I can hear a pin drop and I’ve managed to clear all 3 of them out for the day.’

The last big Saturday night that I had?

Let me just delve into the depths of my mind in an attempt to retract this memory.

Nope, nothing.

I’m sure there must have been one in the past, but all memory of it has obviously been stored off campus-as THAT volume was closed long ago.

More recent records of Saturday night events are digitally stored, but consist mainly of cooking children dinner, cleaning up after swimming carnivals, walking the pooch,  and refereeing various shouting matches between husband and children when they exercise their apparent ‘teenager’ rights.

For me, Saturday nights resemble Monday nights, and Tuesday nights, and Thursday nights.

My rocking party occurs when I can hear a pin drop and I’ve managed to clear all 3 of them out for the day.

coffee daria


Saturday Night-Wordpress Daily Prompt.


"I have been writing and creating images all my life-though it's only now, that I have finally let in the light" ~N.Martin

4 thoughts on “The last big Saturday night I had?-It’s been archived!

  1. I know how you feel, I think. I have no chance to party on Saturday nights either, or on any of the nights from Sunday to Friday, come to that. The best I can ever hope for is a peaceful cup of tea once everyone else has gone to bed.


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