Posted in blogging, Daily muse, Deep, mindfullness, My mantra's, Writing

When the best thing to do is nothing.

File 3-06-2016, 13 40 51

Sometimes, the only thing to do is nothing.

Park your emotions.

Put them on hold for a bit.

Shove them up on the top shelf until such a time that you can deal with them rationally.

In times of deep upset our ability to see the real story is severely hindered.

The bigger picture, is hidden under a huge pile of rubbish-stress, anger, confusion, resentment, disappointment, sadness and desperation.

This rubbish pile in the early stages is sometimes so heavy that any attempt to shift it will fail.

Each futile attempt to sort through it simply moves rubbish from one pile to another.

So when this happens,

park your emotions and wait.

Wait for the rubbish to slowly decompose, and in time,

it will be dust.

Portion-Small mounds are easier to jump than mountains.




"I have been writing and creating images all my life-though it's only now, that I have finally let in the light" ~N.Martin

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